The Power of High-Quality Photos for Your Short Term Rental Listing

This blog underscores the significance of top-notch photos for your short-term rental listing and offers practical tips on capturing better images to entice a larger audience of potential guests!


Make it stand out

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


In the bustling world of short-term property management, where every click counts, there’s an unsung hero that often gets overlooked: photography.

Whether you're new to the game or a seasoned host, mastering the art of Airbnb photography can significantly elevate your listing's appeal, leading to more bookings and happier guests.

Let's dive into the why, how, and what of creating captivating Airbnb photos that showcase your property in the best light possible.

  1. Quality vs Quantity

  2. Setting the Stage

  3. Mastering Composition

  4. Highlighting the Neighborhood

  5. Leveling Up the Photo Section

  6. Editing Photos

  7. DIY vs Professional


Why Quality Trumps Quantity

Imagine you’re scrolling through Airbnb listings in search of the perfect San Diego getaway.

You stumble upon a listing with a plethora of photos—some grainy, some blurry, and some poorly lit. Despite the abundance of images, you find yourself hesitating.

Now, picture another listing with a curated selection of bright, crisp, and professionally captured photos. Which one captures your attention and instills confidence?

While exact figures can vary depending on various factors such as location, property type, and target audience, studies have consistently shown that listings with high-quality images tend to perform significantly better than those with lower-quality visuals. 

For instance, according to Airbnb's own data, listings with professional photos can experience up to 20% more bookings compared to those without, as well as a 20% increase in earnings. 

Salt & Sky Lodging Co. knows that quality reigns supreme. While Airbnb allows hosts to upload up to 100 photos, bombarding potential guests with an overload of mediocre images can backfire.

Instead, aim for a sweet spot of *20 to 30 high-quality photos that offer a comprehensive glimpse into your rental's charm and amenities. Remember, it's not about quantity; it's about quality.

Key Takeaway: 20 - 30 High Quality Photos


These data points are taken directly from AirBnB’s website and showcase how quality images can improve your listing.


Setting the Stage: How to Capture the Perfect Shot

The key to jaw-dropping Airbnb photos lies in meticulous preparation and attention to detail. Before summoning your inner photographer, follow the essential steps that come recommended by industry experts:

  • Prep Your Space: Clean, declutter, and arrange furniture to create an inviting atmosphere.

  • Embrace Natural Light: Open blinds and curtains to let sunshine flood your space, enhancing colors and depth.

  • Illuminate Indoors: Turn on all lights to banish shadows and showcase your rental's warmth and cleanliness.

  • Curate Unique Shots: Highlight special features and personal touches that set your property apart.

  • Think Wide: Utilize a wide-angle lens to capture entire rooms, maximizing space and appeal.

At Salt & Sky Lodging Co., we understand that every corner tells a story.

Don't overlook the power of small details—whether it's a cozy reading nook, a sun-drenched patio, or a collection of local artwork.

These nuances add character and authenticity to your listing, resonating with guests seeking a genuine experience.

Key Takeaways:

  • Prep Your Space

  • Embrace Natural Light

  • Illuminate Indoors

  • Curate Unique Shots

  • Think Wide

We love using models for lifestyle shots so the person behind the screen can see themselves at the property.


If you’ve got great natural lighting, wait for the perfect time of day and use it!


Adding Depth and Dimension: Mastering Composition

Composition is the secret sauce that transforms ordinary photos into extraordinary ones. Instead of settling for uninspired angles, follow these composition tips to elevate your Airbnb photography game:

  1. Diverse Perspectives: Break free from conventional angles and offer a holistic view of your space by capturing it from various vantage points. Whether it's a bird's-eye view from above or a cozy corner shot, providing a 360-degree perspective allows potential guests to immerse themselves in the entirety of your rental.

  2. Strategic Focal Points: Transform your photos into visual narratives by strategically highlighting key amenities and focal points that showcase the essence of your property. Whether it's the sumptuous comfort of your bedding or the awe-inspiring panorama of an ocean view, these focal points serve as anchors that draw viewers into the unique allure of your San Diego retreat.

  3. Lifestyle Integration: Infuse your images with lifestyle elements that resonate with your target audience's aspirations and preferences. Whether it's the laid-back coastal charm of sipping cocktails on a sun-drenched patio or the cosmopolitan allure of urban sophistication, embedding these lifestyle cues into your photos allows potential guests to envision themselves embracing the vibrant lifestyle offered by your San Diego getaway.

By mastering composition techniques, you'll captivate potential guests and paint a vivid picture of the lifestyle awaiting them at your San Diego retreat.


Key Takeaways:

  • Showcase Perspectives: Shoot from different angles to provide a 360-degree view of your space.

  • Create Focal Points: Highlight key amenities and focal points, such as luxurious bedding or a panoramic ocean view.

  • Capture Lifestyle: Infuse your photos with lifestyle elements that resonate with your target audience, whether it's coastal chic or urban sophistication.

Airbnb image composition

Get Creative!

This image showcases a beautiful breakfast in the morning (lifestyle!)


Beyond Your Walls: Highlighting the Neighborhood

Your Airbnb listing isn't just about the property—it's a gateway to the vibrant tapestry of the neighborhood where your guests will be staying.

It’s important not to forget to showcase the local neighborhood and attractions to give guests a taste of what awaits beyond your doorstep.

From trendy eateries to scenic parks, capturing the essence of your surroundings adds value and intrigue to your listing.

Leveling Up Your Airbnb Photo Section

Organization and presentation are key when curating your photo gallery. At Salt & Sky Lodging Co., we recommend these strategies to optimize your Airbnb photo section:

  • Organize by Category: Group photos by room and area to provide a cohesive narrative of your rental's layout and amenities.

  • Lead with Your Best: Hook potential guests by uploading your most attractive photos first, enticing them to explore further.

  • Caption with Purpose: Craft captions that highlight unique features and amenities, adding context and depth to your photos.


The Power of Editing: Enhancing Your Visual Story

While enlisting the services of a professional photographer is undoubtedly the gold standard for achieving stunning visuals, it's important not to overlook the transformative power of photo editing tools in refining your images to perfection.

Whether you're aiming to enhance the brightness, clarity, or composition of your photos, the arsenal of editing features offered by popular apps like VSCO, Snapseed, and Adobe Lightroom empowers you to elevate your visuals with ease.

To give you a good overview of the different options available, check out the info below!



With VSCO's intuitive interface and wide array of filters, you can effortlessly infuse your photos with artistic flair and subtle enhancements, ensuring they stand out in a crowded sea of listings.

VSCO is a highly versatile photo-editing app that offers a range of features tailored to enhance images for short-term property listings. Here's what you need to know to create compelling content:

  1. Presets: VSCO provides a variety of presets (filters) that can instantly transform the look and feel of your photos. These presets range from classic film-inspired tones to modern, minimalist aesthetics, allowing you to achieve the desired mood and atmosphere for your property images.

  2. Editing Tools: In addition to presets, VSCO offers a suite of editing tools to fine-tune your images. These tools include adjustments for exposure, contrast, saturation, temperature, and more, giving you precise control over every aspect of your photos.

  3. Crop and Rotate: VSCO allows you to crop and rotate your images to ensure they are properly framed and aligned. This feature is particularly useful for showcasing specific features or angles of your property in a visually appealing way.

  4. Perspective Correction: For images that may have skewed perspectives or distortions, VSCO offers tools for perspective correction. This feature helps ensure that your property photos accurately represent the space and minimize any visual discrepancies.

  5. Sharpening and Clarity: To enhance the clarity and sharpness of your photos, VSCO provides tools for sharpening and clarity adjustments. These tools can help make your property images appear more vibrant and detailed, ensuring they stand out to potential guests.

  6. Noise Reduction: In low-light or high-ISO situations, images may contain digital noise or graininess. VSCO offers noise reduction tools to help minimize these imperfections and produce cleaner, smoother-looking photos.

  7. Batch Editing: If you have multiple images that require similar adjustments, VSCO allows you to apply edits to multiple photos simultaneously using its batch editing feature. This can save you time and ensure consistency across your property listing images.



Meanwhile, Snapseed's comprehensive suite of editing tools, from selective adjustments to advanced retouching, grants you unparalleled control over every aspect of your image, allowing you to fine-tune details and achieve professional-grade results.

Snapseed is a powerful photo-editing app developed by Google, offering a wide range of features tailored to enhance images for short-term property listings. Here's what you need to know to create compelling content:

  1. Selective Adjustments: Snapseed allows you to selectively adjust specific areas of your photos using its selective editing tools. This feature is particularly useful for highlighting key features or enhancing certain elements of your property images without affecting the entire photo.

  2. Tune Image: The Tune Image tool in Snapseed provides a comprehensive set of controls for adjusting brightness, contrast, saturation, ambiance, and more. This tool allows you to fine-tune the overall look and feel of your property photos to achieve the desired aesthetic.

  3. HDR Scape: Snapseed offers an HDR Scape tool that enhances the dynamic range of your photos, bringing out details in both the shadows and highlights. This can be especially beneficial for showcasing interior spaces with varying light levels or capturing outdoor views with bright skies and shaded areas.

  4. Perspective Correction: Similar to VSCO, Snapseed provides tools for perspective correction, allowing you to straighten and correct skewed perspectives in your photos. This feature helps ensure that your property images accurately represent the space and appear visually pleasing to potential guests.

  5. Brush Tools: Snapseed offers a variety of brush tools, including the Brush tool for applying adjustments to specific areas, the Healing tool for removing unwanted objects or blemishes, and the Dodge & Burn tool for selectively lightening or darkening parts of your photos. These tools give you precise control over the editing process and allow you to fine-tune your property images with ease.

  6. Vintage Filters: In addition to its advanced editing tools, Snapseed also offers a selection of vintage-inspired filters that can add a unique aesthetic to your property photos. These filters range from subtle film grain effects to dramatic vintage vignettes, allowing you to customize the look and feel of your images to suit your property's style.

  7. Stacks: Snapseed's Stacks feature allows you to save and reapply sets of edits as custom presets, making it easy to apply consistent editing styles across multiple photos. This can streamline your workflow and ensure consistency in the visual presentation of your property listings.



For those seeking a more robust editing experience, Adobe Lightroom emerges as the undisputed powerhouse, offering a plethora of advanced features, including non-destructive editing, preset customization, and seamless integration with other Adobe Creative Cloud applications.

Whether you're adjusting exposure levels, refining color tones, or perfecting the composition of your photos, Lightroom provides the tools and flexibility needed to realize your creative vision and captivate potential guests with visually stunning imagery.

This is definitely the most detailed you can get with editing photos, but there is a learning curve to it and it will take time.

Non-Destructive Editing: One of the key features of Adobe Lightroom is its non-destructive editing workflow, which allows you to make adjustments to your photos without altering the original image data. This means you can experiment with different edits and revert to the original image at any time, ensuring maximum flexibility and creative freedom.

  1. Advanced Editing Tools: Lightroom provides a wide range of advanced editing tools for fine-tuning every aspect of your photos, including exposure, contrast, highlights, shadows, color temperature, and more. These precise controls enable you to achieve the desired look and feel for your property images with precision and accuracy.

  2. Preset Customization: Lightroom offers a vast library of presets that you can use to apply specific looks or styles to your photos with just a click. Additionally, you can create and customize your own presets to establish a consistent editing style across all your property images, saving time and ensuring visual coherence.

  3. Selective Editing: Lightroom's selective editing tools allow you to apply adjustments to specific areas of your photos using masks, gradients, or brushes. This enables you to enhance key features or correct imperfections in your property images with pinpoint accuracy, ensuring that every detail is perfect.

  4. HDR Merge and Panorama Stitching: Lightroom includes built-in features for merging multiple exposures into high dynamic range (HDR) images and stitching together multiple images to create panoramic views. These tools are particularly useful for capturing interior spaces with challenging lighting conditions or showcasing expansive outdoor views.

  5. Integration with Adobe Creative Cloud: Lightroom seamlessly integrates with other Adobe Creative Cloud applications, such as Photoshop and Adobe Portfolio, allowing you to streamline your workflow and leverage additional tools and resources to enhance your property images further.

  6. Mobile Editing: In addition to its desktop version, Lightroom offers a mobile app that enables you to edit photos on the go using your smartphone or tablet. This flexibility allows you to capture and edit property images in real-time, ensuring that your listings are always up-to-date and visually compelling.


DIY vs. Professional: Making the Right Choice

When deciding between DIY (Do It Yourself) and hiring a professional photographer for your Airbnb listing, it's essential to weigh the benefits and considerations of each option.

Professional Photography:

Professional photography for your Airbnb listing offers numerous advantages.

Experienced photographers bring expertise, specialized equipment, and an eye for composition, resulting in captivating images that stand out in the market.

They can highlight your property's unique features, attracting potential guests and increasing bookings.

However, it's essential to consider the cost and coordination efforts involved.

While it may require an upfront investment, the potential returns in increased bookings and higher rates can be significant.

DIY Photography:

DIY photography offers flexibility, convenience, and cost savings.

With smartphone technology and editing apps, it's easier than ever to capture high-quality images on your own schedule.

While DIY photography allows creative control and immediate access to your property, it may lack the expertise and equipment of professionals, requiring skill and knowledge for professional results.

Pros and cons of professional vs DIY photography

In conclusion, the choice between DIY and professional photography ultimately depends on your budget, preferences, and priorities as a host. Professional photography offers expertise and polish, while DIY photography provides flexibility and cost savings. By carefully considering your needs and objectives, you can make the right choice to showcase your property in the best possible light and attract guests to your Airbnb listing.



In the competitive landscape of San Diego short-term property management, the importance of high-quality Airbnb photos cannot be overstated.

By prioritizing quality over quantity, mastering composition techniques, and showcasing the unique charm of your space and neighborhood, you'll entice guests and stand out in a crowded marketplace.

At Salt & Sky Lodging Co., we believe that every photo tells a story—let yours be one of warmth, authenticity, and unparalleled hospitality.


A Mountain Getaway at a Luxe Julian Cabin in Southern California - Eco-conscious Airbnb


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